Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I know another boring post with no pictures. My camera battery is charging right now so I can down load some pictures from this weekend. Katy Van told me how to add lists on the side of the blog so I gave it a try. If you havn't noticed it's the list of books.

Most of the books read towards the bottom of the list were from a book club I was in up until a few months ago. I was in the book club for a few years and really enjoyed for the most part all the different kinds of books we read. But this summer I just couldn't keep up anymore with the reading for book club, other things I wanted to read and books I want to read with the kids. It was fun while it lasted. I really enjoyed The Good Earth and found The Bookseller of Kabul very interesting and without hesitation I HATED The Memory Keeper's Daughter. Unfortunately, that was the book I had picked and needed to a lead discussion on but I couln't even really tell you why I disliked it so much - I just did - alot!

If you've ever seen the movie Hotel Rwanda then you'd be familiar with Paul Rusesabagina (who?). He's the man who ran the hotel during the genocide in his country and saved many lives. I have had a fascination with Rwanda since I saw the movie and thought "where was I in 1994 when all the killings happened". I then realized that our compassion child we sponsor, Ihirwe, is from Rwanda.

Growing up I read Agatha Christie mysteries all the time. I am happy to say that I have bore fellow Christie junkies. The kids and I have rented from the library this summer all the Miss Marple movies we can find. My latest favorite mystery author is P.D. James. I first remember watching her first mystery story, Cover Her Face, on PBS with my mom when I was probably Rachel's age or younger. My goal is to go back to the beginning and read the rest of her books in order.

The other series I have really, really enjoyed has been the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. I find the characters and the whole setting of these books endearing and enjoyable. The latest one, The Good Husband of Zebra Drive, just came out this spring so I snatched it from the library and now I'm back to waiting for another.

Years ago a very Godly woman I respect very much had said in passing that she tries to always be reading a book that helps or encourages her in her role as wife, mother, homemaker, etc. I have tried over the years to glean from her wisdom by reading more like a book a year. Shopping for Time was a quick read and a good reminder to be more proactive in my planning of areas that I am responsible to manage. Heaven at Home was the first Ginger Plowman book I've read. I just loved her perspective and "say it like it is" but with grace ability to commucicate.

Regarding books I'm currently reading is a little of a joke. I had hoped to get through the whole Mitford Series while on vacation to Nags Head and then in Texas. I've only read chapter one of book one so far. Hints on Child Training is a reread. I absolutely love this book and will even go so far to say that every parent should read this book while their kids are young. He covers topics such as training a child's faith, to self control, their appetite to "dealing tenderly with a child's fear", a child's imagination all the way to fun incite and encouragement regarding Christmas and a very wise chapter called "Goodnight Words". I have been provoked to love my children more from this book than any others I have read.


Billie said...

Thank you very much for your book recommendation. You were such an example to me while we stayed with you in July of a gentle and kind mother. I am excited to get this book. I love your blog. I am glad you're "no longer a blurker". Thanks Marie!

Rebekah said...

Hello Marie, your book list is inspiring. I have really slacked off in reading department lately. I used to read all the time... but I have put that part of my life on hold and now I feel motivated to read again, so thanks. I too have read a ton of mystery books. Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes, ect... I love them! I can't wait till Duncan is a little older and I can read him all the old classic stories. Have a great week and I hope to see you on Sunday.

Jennifer said...

Hey Marie,
Just a question. Do you have Shopping for Time? I was going to order it off of Amazon but funds are low and I thought, hey, if I could borrow it... that could save me. Just wondering. No pressure. I"ll be back in Nov. and could return it then... again, no pressure.



Kate Van said...

I'm glad you let us in on the books you've read and are reading. I'm finishing my first No 1 Ladies detective book currently and have liked it pretty well. Agatha Christy is still on top as far as quick-fun-mystery reads! Love you all

Leslie said...

I went right out and got Hints on Child Training. It has blessed me by it's compassionate and gentleness that it uses in training up our children that I haven't found in others I have read. It has stirred me to lead with those characteristics first. I can't thank you enough for the recommendation. I look forward to seeing you and Eric again next year at the Youth retreat in SD, maybe we could go for dinner together. Thanks again and love your blog so glad you deccided to write personal things:)


Ashleigh said...

Marie, I'm right there with you on "The Memory Keeper's Daughter." I thought it was depressing and not in a way that provoked me, but that left me feeling yucky. I disliked it so much I didn't even add it to my list of books I read this year.

Also, thanks for the recommendations when it comes to "Shopping for Time" and "Heaven at Home." I'll have to check those out.