Saturday, April 19, 2008

Intelligent Design vs. Darwinism

No, this post isn't about my thoughts on such a controversial topic - I just want to send you to another blog by Carolyn McCulley- Her post today is about the new documentary "Expelled:No Intelligence Allowed" narrated by Ben Stein. I had no idea that this was out in theaters and am grateful for the news and also the trailer clips and interviews on her blog. I am eager to go see this movie and would urge anyone else to see it and be informed. Yes, as a Christian we undoubtedly believe that God is the creator of all but I know for myself I can then be ignorant of anything else that wouldn't be truth and seems idiotic but anti-God is huge and very sad. I know I said this post wasn't on my thoughts and intellectually I have no place to stand up on a soap box but after watching the trailer of the really, really smart men share their beliefs on science, religion and God I was very grateful to be able to teach my kids science that has God at that center of it all (a little plug for Apologia science curriculum).

1 comment:

Mimi said...

We are going to go see the movie tonight. I'll let you know how it is:) Unless you want to join us, we are going to the 7pm.