Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Visit from the Williams

This past weekend our dear friends, the Williams, came up from Virginia to visit us. It was Thomas' birthday on Sunday and he wanted to spend it with Matthew. We were honored, blessed and thrilled to see our friends. They came Saturday evening and our family was able to show their family our new neighborhood and new friends. We had dinner together and then made smores on the back deck. None of the pictures really turned out from the fire...oh, well.

The girls all stayed in the basement and had a great time playing around.

Matthew and Thomas on his 9th birthday. Aren't they too cute!

After church we went into DC to the Museum of Natural History, played football on the mall, waited in line forever at the National Archives but got to see the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, power walked with Laura up to the Lincoln Memorial and saw the sights along the way.

The excitement of the museum was too much for the guys.

Alexis and Rachel, the birthday buds.

It was a beautiful day!

I know this looks kind of funny but Alexis and Sarah are so sweet together.

This view was really cool - not my picture but the real view. It was from the back of the Lincoln Memorial and I don't remember if I'd ever gone back there before. The view is the Memorial Bridge over the Potomac and up the road is Arlington Cemetery with the Arlington House above it. And the sun was setting. The opposite view from Arlington Cemetery is really cool too. I'll have to post about that trip when I do a catch up.

Thank you Williams family for coming to visit us. We had a great time with you all and can't wait to see you again next week in Virginia!


The Dowling Clan said...

Hello Hughes family. I'm so glad to hear you all are experiencing God's Faithfulness in your move. It was good to read your blog since moving and hearing/seeing how things are going for you all. Glad to hear God is meeting you there in MD. Gods BLessings! We miss you all!! The DOwlings

Wasko Family said...

Sounds like you guys had tons of fun!!!!!! Can't wait till our fam can get up there for our turn!!!:) Love and miss you all...


Rach, email me!:)

Katherine M. said...

Hello Eric and Marie, We miss you! Did you hear or see on Rebekah's blog that she had her baby girl? She's beautiful and looks a lot like Duncan. I'll let you see details on her blog:)